April 22, 2007

Strange Suspense Stories #22 [1954]

Ah, creepy eyes full of fear. A classic Ditko motif.

What's in the mystery glowing book causing that look of fear? Does it really matter. Great cover, with the ornate designs on the box, the fearful, sweat-drenched face and the candle in the foreground.

I was going to declare a favourite Ditko cover-only book when I got through posting them, but that's going to be too hard a choice. Even dividing them into pre-code and post-code it's going to be a hard call.


  1. Bob,

    I love the face but the cover is slightly detracted by that unslightly hand in the foreground, which I believe was drawn by someone other than Ditko. The hand looks a little too stiff and lifeless to be by Ditko.

    Nick Caputo

  2. Yeah, that hand is a little out of place, isn't it? Even at this early date Ditko's hands were usually more distinctive than that.

  3. After these comments I looked at the hands also and have to agree. I have to doubt that either hand was done by Ditko. I note that the thumbs on both hands have a flattened look to them.


  4. I think the left hand was by Ditko, although the thumb appears to be added by the same person who drew the right hand. The hand has that generic Charlton look; if I researched a little I could probably place the artist.

    Nick Caputo

  5. Hmmm.

    After reading your comments and looking again at the art, I have to agree that most of the right hand is Ditko's, and that someone else added in the left and AND right thumb. There is a strange 'bumb' behind the right thumb that I think is the right thumb knuckle, with the rest of the thumb hidden from the viewer behind the lid.



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