Update to this post, the upcoming THE DC UNIVERSE BY STEVE DITKO OMNIBUS scheduled for June has some revised contents from what was previously posted.
Collects Detective Comics (1937) #483-485; Legends of the DC Universe 80-Page Giant #1; Tales of the New Gods #1; House of Secrets (1956) #139 and #148; World’s Finest Comics #249-255; Adventure Comics (1938) #467-478; Showcase (1956) #73 and #75; House of Mystery (1952) #236, #247, #254, #258, and #276; 1st Issue Special #7; Beware the Creeper #1-6; Cancelled Comics Cavalcade #2; Strange Adventures (1950) #188-189; The Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #267-268, #272, #274, #276, and #281; Shade, the Changing Man (1977) #1-8; Plop! #16; Weird War Tales #46, #49, #95, #99, #104-106; Secrets of Haunted House #9, #12, #41, and #45; The Unexpected #189 and #221; Ghosts (1971) #77, #111; Mystery in Space (1951) #111 and #114-116; Time Warp #1-4; Stalker #1-4; Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #257; Amazing World of DC Comics #13; The Outsiders (1985) #13; The Hawk and the Dove #1-2; Man-Bat (1976) #1; DC Special Series #9; and Action Comics (1938) #642.
The four highlighted entries address most of the omissions from the previous books listed here. Still unclear if the ACTION and DC SPECIAL will reprint the full stories or only excerpt the Ditko pages from the larger stories (which would mean about 100 pages of non-Ditko art in a "by Ditko" titled book, when you add the second half of the last 1960s CREEPER story). The LEGION #257 was always an odd omission, and it'll be good to see the PLOP remainder from AMAZING WORLD, a great rare Ditko/Wood/Skeates job.
Most of the remaining omissions are single page things (WHO'S WHO entries, an intro page and a profile page), but the solicitation listing doesn't include other single pages that were included in the previous books (a cover and a pin-up), so good chance they'll be included.
If they don't include the version of the ODD MAN story from DETECTIVE #487 (coloured and with a revised script) that's regrettable, but hardly tragic, as long as the rarer black&white version is included.
That leaves some known ("Woro and the Liquid Man", "The Robot and... The Ghost") and unknown unpublished work, some house ads (some maybe with original art), work done for things like a licensed Green Lantern colouring book and other odds and ends. Have to wait for the book to see if any of that shows up as "behind-the-scenes extras!".
My article specifically about the stand-alone genre stories in the book.
ISBN-10 : 1799501736
ISBN-13 : 9781799501732
Adding... Informal page count is 1138 pages of Ditko material, if you only include one version of Odd Man. There are around 17 pages of non-Ditko material in the three book set (Creeper #6 cover and second half of story, Legion covers for issues Ditko does the lead story. Oddly not the Man-Bat #1 cover). The ACTION and DC SPECIAL would need 31 and 54 pages of non-Ditko art, respectively, including covers, bringing us to 1240 pages, more than 20 pages fewer than the 1264 the book is listed at to use for contents pages, indicia, intros and extras. So if I was a betting man I'd say good odds the full stories will be included, which will mean first-ever reprints for some work by Russ Heath, Gil Kane, Curt Swan and others. But probably not enough pages for "Woro" and the like (if DC even has access to them)...
Thanks for the detailed insights. Very tempted to get this, but having the three previous volumes puts me on the fence…