August 12, 2009

New Ditko - Ditkomania #74 available

Rob Imes has announced that that latest issue of DITKOMANIA, #74 focusing on Ditko's work at DC, with a vintage Shade illustration for the cover, is ready and should be on its way to subscribers this week. Info on how to become one of those subscribers, or just order a single issue, are over here, as usual. This is the eleventh issue since the revival last year.

I have my copy now, and it's a very enjoyable issue. I've been reading a lot of Ditko's DC work recently, and this gave me an interesting perspective on a lot of it.


  1. Thanks for the plug, Bob, as usual! Your copy of the issue went in the mail on Tuesday, a mere 3 hours or so after I printed up the issue. I mailed out a bunch more copies today (Thursday), and a third and final batch of copies to subscribers and others will go out on Monday or Tuesday, depending on my work schedule.

    Inicdentally, DM #74 is the 11th issue of DM that I've edited/published. An interesting milestone for me because for many years the oldest issue of DM in my collection was DM #11 (January 1985). In a way that makes me feel like I've "caught up" to where I began (as a reader) on Bill's run.

  2. Looking forward to it, hopefully it'll show up tomorrow, otherwise I'll have the weekend to wait.

    11th issue, right. 74-63=11, as surely as A=A. My math sucks...



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